Unclear Concerning Delegation for IN-ADDR.ARPA

Bill Moseley moseley at hank.org
Fri Jun 16 12:41:18 UTC 2000

At 08:09 PM 06/15/00 -0500, Bill Polhemus wrote:
>If I have a set of IPs from my ISP (in this case an "itty-bitty" network,
CIDR >/29), can I get "delegation authority" myself?
>IOW, what if I DO want to set up DNS here on my network, can I do the
"reverse >mapping" myself, or does someone else have to do it for me?

You have to get your ISP to delegate, of course.  Where they delegate is up
to you.

>I have tried using granitecanyon.com, but I haven't had much luck with
them on one of my domain names. The first one I set up did
>fine, but the second...no go.

I use granitecanyon for my forward secondary, and I run a primary and
secondary myself.  They are on two different machines on my /29 subnet, so
if my DSL is down, both of my DNS ar down.  There's not reason you couldn't
run a master and slave on the same machine if you bind more than one IP to
the same interface.

For reverse, I use my primary master and slave to my secondary, and to two
of my ISP name servers.

>I guess I had my ISP delegate to granitecanyon.com, but if I decide to go
my own way, to whom must I go for the "redelegation"?

Your ISP.

Bill Moseley
mailto:moseley at hank.org

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