DNS resoltution troubelshooting

Barry Margolin barmar at genuity.net
Thu Jun 15 17:25:45 UTC 2000

In article <6mmgks4sdtafftjve86b94tifdsnajpe0r at 4ax.com>,
Shawn  <newsgroup at NOSPAM.kleinart.net> wrote:
>What tools / resources can I use to check / troubleshoot the DNS
>resolution process? I mean, I'd like to be able to see the DNS records
>for some domains. 

dig is the best DNS troubleshooting utility.

>		   Is that possible? Can you see my DNS configuration
>or other peoples? How does the DNS resolution take place... When I
>type a domain name, how does it find the name servers, in what order
>and how does it resolve the name to an IP... in a more technical
>terms. Does only one of my name servers in my interNIC records need to
>work, technically for people to reach my domain? Or even if 1 of 3 of
>my listed NS were down, even the primary server, what would the
>problems be for others to resolve my domain name?
>I only have a basic understanding of DNS, so I am sorry if I sound
>ignorant.. I guess I am. I am trying to learn. Other than "nslookup"
>in WinNT, what can I do test and troubleshoot DNS queries and what DNS
>servers are responding to or are able to respond to my quires.. I
>guess to just see if everything is working, once I get it all setup.
>I've seen a few posts of people listing all the NS that either
>authoritatively or non-authoritevly respond, as well as information of
>all the NS servers listed in the zone files...  How can I do this?

Most of your questions are answered in the "DNS & BIND" book.

Barry Margolin, barmar at genuity.net
Genuity, Burlington, MA
Please DON'T copy followups to me -- I'll assume it wasn't posted to the group.

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