Security firm warns of outdated software (DNS) ?

Nonny Moose nonny at invalid.addy
Thu Jun 15 04:32:36 UTC 2000

"Barry Margolin" <barmar at> wrote in message
news:hMV15.96$Nf7.2328 at burlma1-snr2...
> Basically, all they're saying is that most sites aren't running BIND
> 8.2.2.  I'm not surprised, since most organizations just use whatever
> version of BIND comes with their OS.  There's still a very significant
> portion of the Internet running the stock named on SunOS 4.x servers,
> is BIND 4.8!  I think Sun finally upgraded to 4.9.x somewhere around
> Solaris 2.5, but didn't ship BIND 8 until Solaris 7.  I know that when I
> query our customers' primaries for version.bind, most of the time it
> doesn't answer, meaning it's either pre-4.9.5 or non-BIND (unfortunately,
> lots of them are using MS DNS, sigh...).

Is the dnscache/tinydns combo popular?

Thinking about switching...


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