using ndc to reload/reconfig bind that is chroot'ed

Phil Newlon pnewlon at
Mon Jun 12 15:47:35 UTC 2000

I am having a bit of difficulty getting bind to reconfig/reload when running in
my chroot jail.  I have used pieces of Dave's etherboy howto and Scott Wunsch's
howto.  I have included what I think is pertinent information, would appreciate
input on why my "ndc reload" or "ndc reconfig" won't work....  Thanks!  Phil

*** to start named I use:
    daemon /chroot/named/usr/sbin/named -u named -g named -t /chroot/named

*** snippets from my /chroot/named/etc/named.conf file:
[root at dns1 etc]# cat named.conf |more
options {
        directory "/etc/namedb";
        pid-file "/var/log/";

controls {
        unix "/var/run/ndc"
        perm 0600
        owner 0
        group 0;

logging {
        channel dns_syslog {
          syslog daemon;
          severity info;
        channel dns_file {
          file "named.log";
          severity debug;
          print-category yes;
          print-severity yes;
          print-time yes;

        category statistics { dns_file; };
        category queries { dns_file; };
        category default { dns_file; };
        category panic { dns_file; };
        category packet { dns_file; };
        category eventlib { dns_file; };
        category load { dns_file; };
        category db { dns_file; };

*** directory of /chroot/named/etc

[root at dns1 etc]# pwd
[root at dns1 etc]# ls -lt
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root         2522 Jun 12 09:44 named.conf
drw-r--r--   2 named    named        4096 Jun 12 09:42 namedb
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root           13 May 18 08:34 group
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root         1250 May 18 08:33 localtime

*** output from "ndc status"

[root at dns1 etc]# /usr/sbin/ndc -c /chroot/named/var/run/ndc status
named 8.2.2-P5 Mon Jun 12 09:35:38 EDT 2000 
pnewl01 at dns1:/root/bind822p5/src/bin/named
number of zones allocated: 64
debug level: 0
xfers running: 0
xfers deferred: 0
soa queries in progress: 0
query logging is ON
server is DONE priming
server IS NOT loading its configuration

*** output from "ndc stats"
[root at dns1 etc]# /usr/sbin/ndc -c /chroot/named/var/run/ndc stats
Statistics dump initiated.

[root at dns1 namedb]# tail named.log
12-Jun-2000 11:42:52.055 statistics: notice: dumping nameserver stats
12-Jun-2000 11:42:52.055 statistics: notice: cannot open stat file,

*** output from "ndc reconfig" or "ndc reload"

[root at dns1 namedb]# /usr/sbin/ndc reconfig
Reconfig initiated.

[root at dns1 namedb]# tail named.log
12-Jun-2000 11:44:00.862 default: notice: reloading nameserver
12-Jun-2000 11:44:00.862 parser: critical: can't open '/etc/named.conf'
12-Jun-2000 11:44:00.862 panic: critical: can't open '/etc/named.conf'

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