Unable to reverse lookup 1 PTR from a zone?

Barry Margolin barmar at genuity.net
Mon Jun 5 17:44:57 UTC 2000

In article <NDBBIAMFPKPLHAHKMJEFOEGPDOAA.jkm at tbred.com>,
James K. McConnell <jkm at tbred.com> wrote:
>I have a situation where I am, from one specific host, unable to lookup
>one record from a reverse-lookup zone.  This host is running Red Hat 5.2,
>and I'm using nslookup from the 8.1.2 rpm to query a 8.2.2p5 nameserver,
>which is running on Red Hat 6.2.
>Specifically, I am able to lookup every record in the zone
>with the exception of the host with the IP address of  I've
>enabled tracing with ndc, and seen the following in the logs when I try
>to lookup
>Jun  5 12:31:47 ns2 named[6442]: datagram from [].18892, fd 22,
>len 43
>Jun  5 12:31:47 ns2 named[6442]: req: nlookup( id
>23669 type=12 class=1
>Jun  5 12:31:47 ns2 named[6442]: req: found '' as
>'' (cname=0)
>Jun  5 12:31:47 ns2 named[6442]: ns_req: answer -> [].18892
>fd=22 id=23669 size=173 rc=0
>It appears to me that I have one of two problems.  First, the 8.1.2
>resolver may have a bug, and I should upgrade it to 8.2.2p5.  I plan to
>do this, but I'd prefer to track down this problem first.  Second, it
>may be possible that the response never makes it back to the host
>that is requesting information.  I've strace'd the nslookup, and it
>simply tells me I'm getting a timeout.  When I dumpdb on the server,
>I can clearly see this record is loaded, and I receive a response for
>this record from every other host I've tried.

And the log messages show the server is sending the response.

>What can I do to track down this problem?  Why should this affect only
>one record?  Any assistance is appreciated.  I can provide any information
>that may be necessary to track down this problem.

Have you used tcpdump on the client to see whether the response packet is
being received.

It could be a network hardware problem, being tickled by the particular
pattern of bytes in this response.

Barry Margolin, barmar at genuity.net
Genuity, Burlington, MA
Please DON'T copy followups to me -- I'll assume it wasn't posted to the group.

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