mutch at my-deja.com mutch at my-deja.com
Mon Jun 5 11:31:51 UTC 2000


Can someone tell me which must be the RCODE when a nameserver
authoritative for a domain resolves a name which doesn't exist ?   The
RCODE should be 3  ? or 0 ?

I've made some tests :

If I try to resolve a name (e.g. fred.sun.com)  from the nameserver
authoritative for the domain "sun.com" I've a RCODE=0 but if I try to
resolve a hostname (e.g. fred.redhat.com) from the nameserver
authoritative from the domain "redhat.com" I've a RCODE=3

I've set up my own domain on Solaris 7 (bind 8.1.2) and when I try to
resolve a mame which doesn't exist (fred.mydomain), I've a RCODE=0

Any idea ?



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