Private and Public Network DNS

Kevin Darcy kcd at
Tue Jul 25 16:05:04 UTC 2000

This can be handled using normal "split DNS". You could run multiple
instances on the same machine, if you want -- an "internal" instance
which only listens on the internal and loopback interfaces, and an
"external" instance which only listens on the external interface. Search
the archives for recent messages detailing how to do this. Each instance
would have a separate version of "". Only the internal instance
would have the 10.x.x.x addresses in it.

- Kevin

David Lewis wrote:

> Is it possible to have my DNS server give out certain addresses
> of servers that are only on the 10 range to my internal computers
> and still provide real internet addresses outside my network (and
> to the two servers visible to the outside) to everyone?
> In other words:
> If requests the address for server ""
> my DNS says it doesn't know.
> If requests the address for server ""
> my DNS says the address is

> If requests the address for server ""
> my DNS says the address is
> If requests the address for server ""
> my DNS says the address is

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