Logging named-xfer?

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Fri Jul 21 17:06:49 UTC 2000

>>>>> "Sam" == Sam Wilson <Sam.Wilson at ed.ac.uk> writes:

    Sam> In BIND 8.2.2p5 I have logging configured to put most things
    Sam> in a separate file (/var/adm/dnslog) and throw other stuff
    Sam> away.  Mostly this is fine but named-xfer error messages go
    Sam> into the standard log file (/var/adm/messages - yes, it's
    Sam> Solaris) - that's messages logged by named-xfer; messages
    Sam> from named about zone transfers go into /var/adm/dnslog as
    Sam> expected.

    Sam> Is this normal?


    Sam> Is there a way I can control where the
    Sam> named-xfer messages go?

Yes. Edit named-xfer.c and recompile. :-) It would be nice if
named-xfer read named.conf or somehow inherited the logging structures
and file descriptors previously set up by named. However that's
unlikely to happen given that named-xfer goes away in BIND9.

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