SV: SV: primary&secondary

Mathias Koerber mathias at
Wed Jul 19 10:34:43 UTC 2000

On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, Johnny Damtoft wrote:

| Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 11:24:43 +0200
| From: Johnny Damtoft <JOD at>
| To: 'Jim Reid' <jim at>
| Cc: 'ISC DNS' <bind-users at>
| Subject: SV: SV: primary&secondary 
| Hi Jim :)
| I know...
| the question was: is it posible to run a master and a slave on the same
| server.. And yes it is, but it would not work right.

It would be possible not if you used different portsm but two
IP addresses (aliased onto the same H/W interface if necessary).
Using different ports does not work at all, as there is no way to specify anywhere
(to the rest of the world) which port a specific server uses (and that
is a good thing!)

But still, it would defeat the purpose of having a secondary at all.


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