Setting up servers

Kevin Darcy kcd at
Tue Jul 18 00:26:52 UTC 2000

Thomas [Net-Services] wrote:

> Hey there someone please help me..
> How shut i set up named.conf for my to nameservers they are both inside the
> same firewall and i like them to replicate from eche other...??

Define one as a "master" for the zone, and another as a "slave". That's the
simple answer. If you want to know how you should set up a whole
DNS *infrastructure* behind that firewall, then there is a lot of other
information you'd need to provide, such as, for starters:.    what your
security policies are with regard to the visibility of your internal names to
the Internet
.    what kind of firewall you have -- a "proxy" type or a "routing" type
.    whether internal clients need to be able to resolve Internet names
.    what your internal DNS namespace looks like

You might also want to get a copy of the _DNS_and_BIND_ book from O'Reilly,
which is the "bible" for this kind of thing and has a fairly lengthy section
on the interaction between DNS and firewalls.

- Kevin

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