Novice Question about reverse DNS

Doug Meyer dmeyer at
Fri Jul 14 03:11:37 UTC 2000

OK, I can honestly say I know little about how DNS and BIND works,
but I have a Linux server running BIND 8.2.2-P5, and I have several domain
names.  The BIND website is very unhelpful, so I'll ask here (I've already
searched the archives without success).

The problem is that my DNS server doesn't correctly translate IP addresses
to hostnames in the same class C subnet as my ISP.  My ISP's name server
is a.b.c.17, and my name server is a.b.c.10, and my name server doesn't
correctly resolve a.b.c.X ip addresses.  Is there something I should do in my
named.conf so that resolving a.b.c.X addresses works correctly?


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