I'm getting closer - I can do a nslookup but I can't ping - huh?

Joseph S D Yao jsdy at cospo.osis.gov
Thu Jul 13 01:39:04 UTC 2000

On Wed, Jul 12, 2000 at 05:48:13PM -0700, Steven M. Klass wrote:
> Here is my resolve.conf

This is the third different name you had listed foir it.  ;-/

> search andigilog.com
> localhost
> Reminder I am running bind on this machine.  Why would I have nameserver 
> listed?

Oh, shoot.  I looked at that earlier, and somehow didn't see that you
had the word "localhost" there instead of "nameserver".

You must make the change.

Just because you have 'named' running on this machine, does NOT mean
that the resolver routines in your programs will know to look on your
machine!  On most machines [the ones that are working on your network],
it is some OTHER machine on the network that is supplying their name
service!  And I know perfectly legal configurations where I will be
running 'named' on a machine but will direct programs on that machine
to use a totally different name server, on another machine.

Your poor processes will continue to be totally confused until you make
that change.  The word "localhost" means nothing in that file.  See
'man 5 resolver'.

Joe Yao				jsdy at cospo.osis.gov - Joseph S. D. Yao
COSPO/OSIS Computer Support					EMT-B
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