still slave ns problems...

Joseph S D Yao jsdy at
Thu Jul 6 21:17:50 UTC 2000

On Thu, Jul 06, 2000 at 01:57:05PM -0700, Bill Manning wrote:
> 	Sort of depends. In general if you don't know what your
> 	doing, its a Very Bad Idea.  Done properly, its a nice
> 	feature.

If I have
	NS	ns1
	NS	ns2
ns1	CNAME	squid
ns2	CNAME	hydra
squid	A
hydra	A

What do I register with the NIC?  ;-)  I could register ns1/ns2 and A
records for them; but that contradicts the above.  If I register
ns1/ns2 but A records for squid and hydra, then they won't accept it,
and rightly so!  And if I register squid/hydra and their A records, it
still contradicts the above.

Now, if this is in some funky subdomain if my own, and I just repeat
all of the above information in the parent domain's zone file, that
would work.  It would just be 50% more information that I have to carry
around and change when necessary.

Remember, "Say What You Mean" is the Whole of the Law!  If the aliases
help organize the data better, that's one thing.  If it gets in the way
of proper management [the person who only puts 4 of the above lines in
the parent domain's zone file], that's another thing, and a bad one.
[Despite the pleas of Dr. Seuss' "Cat in the Hat" that Thing 2 is not
bad ...]

Joe Yao				jsdy at - Joseph S. D. Yao
COSPO/OSIS Computer Support					EMT-B
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