Going from h2n to ... what?

Ingvar Hagelund; UiO ingvar at unik.no
Wed Jul 5 11:26:59 UTC 2000

Hello list. 

I skimmed through the list archives for info about alternatives to h2n,
and found a thread back in march that more ore less convinced me that
h2n should be buried for tasks more advanced than small and static 

We have a network where we just introduced Dynamic updates to DNS
from DHCP, and our DNS servers running BIND-8.2.2-5 on Solaris works

What doesn't work great though is h2n. We used to maintain the host 
database by editing one single hosts file, and generate the database
files from this, using h2n. The reason for keeping the old hostlist
was that we found this the easiest way to update DNS (only one file
to edit), and we wanted to have the file for grepping and 
interfacing with other home-baked tools. 

When introducing DDNS, we found that BIND did (of course) not edit
our old hostlist, but wrote directly to the database files. When
rerunning h2n, the changes from DDNS are lost.

So, here's the problem:

- Is there an easy way to patch h2n to keep changes from DDNS
  when rebuilding the database files?
- Moving from h2n to some other tool seems a proper option.
  What tools and scripts should we consider? It would be 
  great if it could generate a hosts file from the database files.



Ingvar Hagelund             Phone: (+47) 22740512
E-mail: ingvar at unik.no      WWW: http://www.ifi.uio.no/~ingvarha
Adress: Ringshusveien 10,   N-1176  OSLO, NORWAY
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