Kevin C. Piekarski kevin at bahrain.navy.mil
Wed Jul 5 06:12:30 UTC 2000


	I am receiving the following /var/log/messages named error intermittently.
The errors run for 24 hours, stop for 24 hours, then run for 24 hours, and
so on and so on.  They stop if named is restarted, but will start back 24
hours after the named restart, then continue the cycle.  When they start,
they are continuous.  My logs are full.  Please any help would be
appreciated.  I am running BIND 8.2.2 P5 with BSD 3.1 and Gauntlet 4.1.
Thanks in advance.

	named[PID]: ns_req: no address for root server
	named[PID]: sysquery: no addrs found for root NS ()
	named[PID]: sysquery: no addrs found for root NS (first root server)
	named[PID]: sysquery: no addrs found for root NS (second root server)
	named[PID]: sysquery: no addrs found for root NS (third root server)
	named[PID]: sysquery: no addrs found for root NS (etc. etc. root server)

These sysquery errors will run through the whole list of root servers then
restart at the ns_req error.  What to do?


Kevin C. Piekarski

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