ndc start

Drizzt drizzt at drizztnet.net
Fri Jan 28 15:15:02 UTC 2000


You need to start up named from the boot scripts. On rc.d boot style
systems, place a link in the rc3.d directory that points to the named script
which actually fires up the named daemon for you:

become root/superuser

cd /etc/init.d/rc3.d
ln -s ../init.d/named S55named

confirm this with:
ls -al S55named

hopefully you'll see:
S55named -> ../init.d/named

confirm that it's up after rebooting by either using nslookup, or by
checking your /var/log/messages for a succesfull startup of named.


-----Original Message-----
From: news at typhoon1.uswest.net [mailto:news at typhoon1.uswest.net]On
Behalf Of Bruce Ordway
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 9:19 PM
To: comp-protocols-dns-bind at moderators.isc.org
Subject: ndc start

I've been working on setting up a DNS server at home. I have it working
somehow but I'm still polishing. One thing is the way I have to get it
running. When I boot up the system nsllokup won't work. I have to type "ndc
start" & then everything takes off. How would I get this to start
automatically? Does this indicate that I might have something screwed up?
Bruce Ordway

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