Help Please.. How to install Bind for RPM

Duane Cox dcox at
Thu Jan 27 18:08:26 UTC 2000

>I use Red Hats distribution, and when installing 6.0 I allowed the OS to
install bind.
>Now of course this bind is out of date, and want to install the latest and
>I downloaded the 8.2.2.P3 RPM from red hats ftp and
>a rpm -U bind-8.2.2.P3.rpm and the install went fine... I assume that was
the correct way to do it.
>But what if I wanted to compile the latest version and install it that way?
>Would I have to rpm -e the previous bind installed by the OS install, then
proceed installing bind?
>Would I have to poke and prod around the file system and take out
unnecessary files?
>If I have red hat is it just best to install via rpm if i can?
>Duane Cox
>dcox at

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