BIND 4 -> 8 gotcha

David Hedley david at
Wed Jan 19 10:28:58 UTC 2000

I've recently upgraded from BIND 4 to BIND 8 (8.2.2-P5 to be precise) and
I've noticed that 'named' no longer binds to INADDR_ANY:53 (i.e. the
wildcard IP address), instead choosing to bind to each IP address on each
interface specifically. This creates a big problem if, as in our case, the
DNS server running 'named' handles dial-up PPP links where the interfaces
are coming up, going down, being assigned different IP addresses etc all the
time. I have managed to work around this by specifying 'query-source address
* port 53' in the named.conf, which makes 'named' bind to *.53, however this
is a bit of a hack.

In short, _why_ doesn't 'named' bind to the wildcard address?, and is there
an obvious solution I'm missing (apart from patching the source)?

This is on FreeBSD 3.2 and 3.3


Dr David Hedley, Head of Development
Intelligent Network Technology Ltd, Bristol, UK

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