Need help with a STRANGE configuration

Chris A. Henesy lurker at
Tue Jan 11 12:47:07 UTC 2000

Barry Margolin spewed forth:
>In article <387A5615.B4780E86 at>,
>Kevin Darcy  <kcd at> wrote:
>>Barry Margolin wrote:
>>> In article <slrn87k8fl.gan.lurker at>,
>>> Chris A. Henesy <lurker at> wrote:
>>> >What I would like to do is set up BIND on my box so that it is a cacheing
>>> >nameserver that forwards requests for machines in,
>>> >,, etc., to our internal
>>> >DNS server, and requests for all other domains to the ISP's DNS server.
>>> >(My machine itself will store no zonefiles)
>>> options {
>>>   forwarders { <ISP's DNS server address>; };
>>>   forward only;
>>> };
>>> zone "" {
>>>   type forward;
>>>   forwarders { <internal DNS server address>; };
>>> };
>>> The "type forward" zone was introduced in BIND 8.2.
>>Note that if the internal server doesn't allow recursive queries, zones of type
>>"forward" aren't going to work. In that case, you'll *have* to store some
>>internal-zone information on your box, but only for the top-level zone of each
>>internal domain. You can define these as either
>He said he wanted queries for all subdomains of their internal domain to be
>sent to that nameserver, not to other internal nameservers.  So either they
>don't have different servers for the subdomains, or it allows recursive
>queries.  I can't think of why someone would disable recursion on an
>internal-only nameserver, anyway.

This IS the situation.  One internal DNS server for all subdomains.
How should I handle the root server fils?
Bind seems to complain if I don't load a root server file in zone "."


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