Moving executables for bind8.2.2pl5 from Solaris2.5 to 2.5.1

Martin McCormick martin at
Mon Jan 10 15:35:30 UTC 2000

	My apologies for posting a message with no subject, just now.
I forgot and messages sans subject are usually not even read in these

I originally wrote:
>	I have a situation in which bind8.2.2pl5 compiles and runs on
>a Solaris2.5 system without so much as a whimper.  In strict
>compliance with the National Clearing House on Murphy's Laws, the
>actual target systems run Solaris2.5.1 and the system using this OS
>and also having the correct compilers does not seem to have the
>correct libraries or something because the errors start while running
>make depend and involve something called strerr.c.
>	Could I safely just compile on Solaris 2.5 and then move the
>finished compilation to the 2.5.1 systems for installation?
>Martin McCormick

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