8.2.2p5 questions

~~Mimosa §t»W¯ó ~~ noemail at noemail.com
Sun Jan 2 08:12:42 UTC 2000

thanks for your help! I am getting close!!
now, when I start the bind, I see the following error message

Jan  1 23:28:25  named[25902]: named.conf:1: syntax error near directory
Jan  1 23:28:25  named[25902]: Ready to answer queries.

but named is running
    root 25902     1  0 23:03:05 ?        0:00 ./named -b named.conf

I checked the named.conf many many times, but I still can not figure out the
syntax error. anyone sees it?
# more named.conf
directory                                        /var/named
primary         0.0.127.in-addr.arpa            db.127.0.0
primary         mydomain.com                    mydomain.com
primary         90.19.100.in-addr.arpa         100.19.90
cache           .                               db.cache

see anything wrong?I did move the /var/named near directory, but same error

when I tried to test it

# nslookup www.mydomain.com
*** Can't find server name for address Server failed
*** Default servers are not available

look like even it seems to be running, it is not responding :-(
any idea? thanks!!


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