need help with this bind script.. please !

Duane Cox dcox at
Tue Feb 29 19:06:55 UTC 2000

I have this script that should reload the named server on a ns2 machine.. 
(named is running as a user "named")  But it is not working, could someone
point me in the right direction... this script is executed on ns1 which logs into 
ns2 via ssh and reloads the daemon..

ssh -l named "PID2=`cat /var/run/named/`; kill -1 $PID2"

the ssh logs in perfectly fine, but obviously according to the named.log,
named does NOT reload or even attempt.  
I can manually execute PID2=`cat /var/run/named/`; kill -1 $PID2
on ns2 at the command line and it reloads fine then... what gives?

Duane Cox
dcox at

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