Reject of W2K gc._msdcs...

Mishler, Barry A POJ Barry.A.Mishler at
Sun Feb 27 23:27:16 UTC 2000

I've been watching these Win2000 discussions for months now and I've never seen
any mention of the Internet-Draft draft-ietf-dnsind-rfc2052bis-05.txt which has
just this month become RFC2782: "A DNS RR for specifying the location of
services (DNS SRV)".  Microsoft's documentation names it as one of the
"standards" that they follow.  It specifically calls for the use of the
underscore in these RRs.

By the way, I'm very interested in minimizing BIND problems once our
organization unleashes Win2000 Server on me.  I would appreciate it if somebody
could point me to an online "lessons learned" type of document that might help
me get the two to peacefully coexist.  I'd really like to believe that it can be

Barry Mishler
UNIX System Administrator
Japan Engineer District
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

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