In DNS Hell

Jeff Younker Jeff at
Wed Feb 23 19:56:53 UTC 2000

Abbie [abbie at] writes:

	Lost my administrator. DNS is already setup ... [lots of
	'please' help stuff without any information deleted]...
	Any suggestions for an idiot to UNIX learning on
	the fly without a UNIX educational budget.

About DNS:

1)  What is your domain?
2)  What does your named.boot file look like?
3)  How did you kill it?
4)  Is there a named.conf file?  If so, what are the contents?
5)  Get a copy of the O'Reilly grasshopper book.

About Unix:

Most Unix system administrators that I've met didn't get any training
budget, and were educated in a very trial-by-fire manner.  My first
suggestion is to call your old administrator, and ask him or her a few
questions.  You may be surprised at how helpful he or she is.  Hopefully too
many bridges have not been burned.  In any case, go out and get Evi Nemeth
et. al.  It's a good 'howto' guide for most major topics.  Learn to read the
man pages.  (Type 'man man' at the command line, or (if you're lucky) point
a web browser at port 8888 on your sun.)

- Jeff Younker - jeff at - These are my opinions, not MDL's -

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