Why does not "dig" work?

Mathias Koerber mathias at staff.singnet.com.sg
Wed Feb 23 06:58:51 UTC 2000

On Wed, 23 Feb 2000 Mark.Andrews at nominum.com wrote:

| Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 17:49:11 +1100
| From: Mark.Andrews at nominum.com
| To: wind at bora.net
| Cc: bind <bind-users at isc.org>
| Subject: Re: Why does not "dig" work? 
| 	ns1.pubnetplus.ne.kr is sending back answers from the wrong IP address
| 	for both UDP and TCP.  Its kernel is broken.

Is this a kernel thing, or maybe an old BIND version that did not
care to respond from the interface it received a query on?

I have a similar case here...


| 	The most probable reason for the different responses is differing
| 	versions of the resolver library.  Modern resolver libraries block
| 	answers from the wrong address either at the UDP layer or in the
| 	library itself.  A new dig and a old nslookup would give this sought
| 	of responses.
| 	Mark
| tcpdump -n udp port 53 or icmp
| tcpdump: listening on se0
| 17:11:34.610987 > 44039 A? www.cisco.com. (31)
| 17:11:35.624778 > 44039 1/2/2 (124)

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