Problems with NDC under linux

Jim Reid jim at
Tue Feb 22 19:09:20 UTC 2000

>>>>> "Andrew" == andlil  <andlil at> writes:

    Andrew> Well, that sounds reasonable enough, but even if I put the
    Andrew> controls statement into my named.conf file, I get the same
    Andrew> error.  I think the key is the "invalid argument" bit, but
    Andrew> I'm not sure what is invalid.  Here's my controls
    Andrew> statement from my named.conf file:
    Andrew> controls { 
    Andrew>	unix "/var/run/ndc" perm 0600 owner 0 group 0;
    Andrew>  };

    Andrew> All of this should work as far as I know (perm 0600 is
    Andrew> valid, there is a UID 0 and a GID 0 on my system and
    Andrew> /var/run should writeable).  Thoughts?

Your controls statement is OK. Did you check that named created the
/var/run/ndc socket with the appropriate permissions? Maybe this file
has been left from an earlier incantation of the name server? If it
crashed or got a -KILL signal, it might not have removed the socket
before it exited. Use lsof to find out who is using /var/run/ndc and
remove it and restart the name server if necessary.

Bear in mind that the pathname for this socket is compiled into ndc:
it does not read named.conf. This shouldn't be a problem on your Linux
box because the default pathname on that platform is supposed to be

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