DNS on Solaris

Ian Phillipps ian at oxygenpartners.demon.co.uk
Tue Feb 22 11:51:36 UTC 2000

In article <D1861CA66D21D211BCAE00A0241BB8032A7518 at EXCHSERVER>,
	(which isn't a valid Message-ID, but that's Microsoft for you)
Axthelm Thomas  <Axthelm at interchip.de> wrote:

>We tried to install Bind 8.2.2 on a Solaris machine. The directory
>usr/local/etc was not automatically created.
>Any help is appreciated.

I ran into this problem, and particularly didn't want to put things into
/usr/local, which is NFS mounted here.

IMHO the problem is with the inflexibility of the BIND build mechanism.
It appears that you can't easily change things like the root of the
install tree (this is the first package I've met recently that has this
problem). I decided that hacking the makefiles would be too long and

I solved it by having a symlink: /usr/sbin/in.named -> /opt/bind8.2.2p5/named
where the "named" is in fact a shell script:

	#! /bin/sh
	exec /opt/bind8.2.2p5/named.bin -c /etc/named.conf "$@"

Also, explicit stuff in named.conf:

options {
      directory "/var/named";
      pid-file "/etc/named.pid";

Messy, but it works.


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