SRV is great if only it were implemented

Jim Reid jim at
Fri Feb 18 00:36:30 UTC 2000

>>>>> "john" == hilgart  <hilgart at> writes:

    john> But this great feature is worthless unless the Web browsers
    john> and proxy servers support it, right?

Pretty much. But it's a catch-22 situation. Nobody bothers to put SRV
records in their zones because almost no application uses them. And
nothing uses them because they're not entered into zone files...

    john> So should we corporate
    john> types be requesting this support from Microsoft and AOL?  

Yes, if you think vendors and software developers will listen or pay
attention to you. Personally, I believe the way to promote the uptake
of SRV records will be to produce a hot application that uses
them. There are plenty of other "useful" record types that seemed like
a good idea at the time but never got widely adopted because nothing
used them.

    john> Does anyone know what is being done to make this record type
    john> widely available and useful?

Well W2K relies on Dynamic DNS update requests to add and remove SRV
records so that its Active Directory Service works. IIUC, W2K boxes
lookup these SRV records to find their domain controllers and the

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