Where to find NDC for NT

Danny Mayer mayer at gis.net
Fri Dec 29 01:05:20 UTC 2000

         There isn't one.  Based on what I found out about it, it won't work
   on NT since it uses things in Unix that just can't be done on NT.  You can
   use BINDCtrl to do everything you would use NDC for.  I expect that the
   rndc in BIND9 will be doable and become available.


At 04:46 PM 12/28/00, mander at loginet.com wrote:
>I am running BIND 8.2.3 T9B on win2k.  And am looking for a copy of NDC
>that will allow me to issue reload commands, etc.
>Where can I get this?
>Sent via Deja.com

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