named 9.0.1

Jim Reid jim at
Thu Dec 21 19:43:58 UTC 2000

>>>>> "Genco" == Genco Yilmaz <genco at> writes:

    Genco> There is something wrong with IPV6 maybe... 

    Genco> Dec 21 20:04:03 ict named[30088]: no IPv6 interfaces found

That depends on whether you have configured any IPv6 addresses on your
systems network interfaces or not. The log message just means the name
server didn't find any IPv6 interfaces. Whether that's a problem
depends on the network configuration of your computer. If you don't
have any IPv6 interfaces, the message is nothing to worry about: it's
just confirming that there aren't any. If you have configured any IPv6
interfaces, then the message is something to worry about because the
name server didn't find them.

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