Danny Mayer mayer at gis.net
Thu Dec 21 13:29:15 UTC 2000

		I've run both for years and you barely notice that NTP is there.

At 11:53 PM 12/20/00 , Kenneth Porter wrote:
>On Wed, 20 Dec 2000 22:45:02 +0000, Jim Reid wrote:
>>Another suggestion. Configure the Network Time Protocol on your
>Now if we could just get ISP's to load this on their name servers and
>make this visible to their clients.... The last time I checked, neither
>@Home nor RCN offered a time server, so I have to go to one of the
>public 2nd tier servers. However, to reduce load, I use ntpdate once a
>day to sync and then serve time to my LAN boxen.
>Presumably an NTP server can coexist with a name server without unduly
>loading the box? (I'm just looking for ammo to lobby my ISP's with.)
>mailto:shiva at well.com

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