Maximum limit of Vanity Domains

James Raftery james-bind-users at
Tue Dec 19 16:27:02 UTC 2000

On Tue, Dec 19, 2000 at 09:47:26PM +0530, Prasenjeet Pati wrote:
> 1) There is a limit to the number of vanity domains that can be created.

It was mentioned earlier this week that the limit is around 16 million
zones. In practial terms, you are limited by the hardware you can
provide that gives what you consider acceptable service.

>     2) Since all these will be pointing to the same IP, if there is a
>     way to create default domain name. For example, is there a way
> I can tell Bind to resolve  <anyname> to a particular IP.

Yes. An asterisk ("*") is a wildcard. In your zone 
file, put

*	IN	A

and that will cause every label not explicitly defined to have that A

James Raftery (JBR54)
  "Managing 4000 customer domains with BIND has been a lot like
   herding cats." - Mike Batchelor, on dns at

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