Problem: Regarding RRs!

Joseph S D Yao jsdy at
Mon Dec 18 16:52:15 UTC 2000

On Sat, Dec 16, 2000 at 07:30:06AM +0530, Chintan Zaveri wrote:
> The Problem:
> The InterNIC records for a certain reads NS1.ISP1.COM and NS2.ISP2.COM. These Nameservers have been setup on a server running Linux.
> But has been hosted on another server running Windows NT.
> I dont want to change the records with InterNIC and want to setup DNS (on the Linux Server) such that the page requested is fetched from the Windows NT server.
> Also, I want that the mail is managed by Linux Server and not the Windows one.
> Question is: How can I setup records to accomplish this?

I am going to ask a different set of questions which are answerable, as
the ones above are not.  But I suspect that these are the ones that you
meant to ask.  Since my mind reading skills are non-existent, please
feel free to correct me.

If you would use real domain names, as people are CONSTANTLY EXHORTED
to do, this would be a lot easier.

There are lots of InterNIC records.  None of them have anything
whatsoever to do with DNS or BIND.

Perhaps you are trying to suggest that the NAME SERVER records in the
".com" name servers for the given domain name "" and
"" as the name servers for that domain.  That would make
sense, and that would be perfectly reasonable.  Of course, that still
means that the hostmaster for "" needs to notify those two
ISPs that (a) they have the honour of being the name servers [one may
hope that this was done before or when the domain was registered], and
(b) what the data is that they should be advertising.

Now you further state:

> But has been hosted on another server running Windows NT.

The whole domain, all possible services, are hosted there?  Or are you
perhaps referring to one single service?  It used to be that when
people said this, they were referring to their e-mail server.
Nowadays, they are referring to their Web server.  Especially since you
say that you want "the page" to come from this server.  This is not a
problem.  Just give this server the name "" or
"" or "" or even just
"".  Whatever name you give it, tell your name servers to
record and serve that name.  Then tell people who want to use it to
enter that name when they want to see it.  It will happen.

You state:
> I dont want to change the records with InterNIC and want to setup DNS (on the Linux Server) ...

NOW you are changing things.  If you don't want to change the records
with the InterNIC, and you want DNS for your domain to be on "the Linux
Server" [what Linux Server?], then "the Linux Server" had better be one
of the machines you named above.  Or you could have it be a "shadow
master".  You could set up your forward and reverse DNS domains on the
Linux server, and have the two ISPs set up to read the information from
that server.  If you don't want to publicly declare this "shadow
master" as a public name server for the domain, also fine!  This is
actually a very reasonable configuration.

> Also, I want that the mail is managed by Linux Server and not the Windows one.

Also no big deal.  Have your domain's MX records point to the Linux
Server [although I would suggest that you have e-mail oin a separate
Linux server], and configure e-mai lon THAT server, not the MSW-NT one.

May I also suggest that you read the Albitz & Liu book, DNS and BIND
[3rd edition], and go to a class in what DNS is, what it can do, and
what it can't do?

Joe Yao				jsdy at - Joseph S. D. Yao
COSPO/OSIS Computer Support					EMT-B
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