Bind works, other apps don't'....

Christopher Griesel chrisg at
Mon Dec 18 15:41:22 UTC 2000



-----Original Message-----
From: bind-users-bounce at [mailto:bind-users-bounce at]On
Behalf Of Jim Reid
Sent: Monday 18 December 2000 16:09
To: chrisg at
Cc: bind-users at
Subject: Re: Bind works, other apps don't'.... 

>>>>> "Christopher" == Christopher Griesel <chrisg at> writes:

    Christopher> I've downloaded, compiled and installed 8.22-pl7 on
    Christopher> Slakware 7.1

    Christopher> named, dig, nslookup (which bash seems to insist
    Christopher> finding in /usr/local/sbin) all work fine, I've got
    Christopher> it running perfectly as a caching only name server.

    Christopher> My other network app's on the Linux box don't work
    Christopher> now, such as ping, traceroute, gftp, ftp, postfix,
    Christopher> etc...  They all return: "Host not found"

Have you tried telling these applications to use the DNS for looking
up names and addresses? Most UNIX systems have a config file like
/etc/svc.conf or /etc/host.conf or /etc/nsswitch.conf that tells
applications how to look up names and addresses: try the DNS, or
NIS/YP or /etc/hosts or some combination of these. You probably need
to fix that config file on your system. The DNS tools you installed
are working OK because they only use the DNS and consult
/etc/resolv.conf to figure out where to send their lookups.

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