rndc and Bind 9

Lisa Burke lburke at once.com
Mon Dec 11 21:25:54 UTC 2000

After successfully installing bind 9.0.1 on a Solaris 6 box, I am having
trouble reloading it with rndc.  I understand that it is only supposed to
support "reload" right now, but I can't even get it to that point.  I
realize this question has been addressed before, but I've checked my config
and it's identical to the solution listed and the problem persists.  

I get:


$ rndc reload
rndc: connect: connection refused


Here are the config files:


$ vi /etc/rndc.conf 
"/etc/rndc.conf" 12 lines, 196 characters 
options {
        default-server  localhost;
        default-key     rndc;
server localhost        {
        key     rndc;

key "rndc" {
        algorithm       "hmac-md5";
        secret "xxxxxxxxxxxx";


$ vi /etc/rndc.key 
"/etc/rndc.key" 4 lines, 140 characters 
key "rndc" {
                             algorithm "hmac-md5";
                             secret "xxxxxxxxxxxx";


$ vi named.conf.new
"named.conf.new" 33 lines, 874 characters 
include "/etc/rndc.key";

controls {
                inet allow { any; } keys { "rndc"; };

options {
     directory "/usr/local/named";           // Working directory
     pid-file "named.pid";              // Put pid file in working dir
     allow-query { any; };              // This is the default
     recursion no;                      // Do not provide recursive service


Named functions fine, there's nothing in /var/adm/messages.  I'm wondering
is it the port itself?  I just added port 753 to /etc/services and I
certainly can't telnet to it (from the host itself). 


$ telnet 753
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused


Any suggestions?


Lisa Burke
Unix Systems Administrator and Heat Miser
lburke at once.com

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