Unable to sync between pri & sec dns servers

Joseph S D Yao jsdy at cospo.osis.gov
Fri Dec 8 19:15:45 UTC 2000

On Fri, Dec 08, 2000 at 01:07:55AM -0800, George Irwin wrote:
> Currently, I've two servers configured as primary & secondary dns servers. However, the primary dns server is unable to transfer the zone files over to the secondary dns server when there are changes done to it. I did increment the serial number and the ip address were specified correctly. I've included the config files for my primary & secondary dns server. Please let me know if you sopt the problem.
> The other question is on the secondary server, after adding a new zone on the named.conf file, it didn't fetch the new zone file from the primary server after restarting the named services. However, I'm able to manually transfer the zone file from the primary dns server. 
> What could be my problem?

Could be lots of things.  Your posting contained modified files, so we
may never know.  The two most likely things I can think of off the top
of my head are (a) syntax errors in the zone files, so the master can
answer queries but does not feel itself authoritative enough to
transfer zones, and (b) your zone transfer blockages accidentally block
your designated slaves.  Either should leave distinctive traces in your
log files.  What do your log files say?

Joe Yao				jsdy at cospo.osis.gov - Joseph S. D. Yao
COSPO/OSIS Computer Support					EMT-B
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