Modify bind source code?

Kevin Darcy kcd at
Fri Aug 18 02:05:27 UTC 2000

Kevin Truong wrote:

> Hi,
> I have following problems.
> When some one type the browser couldn't find any file in that domain. The domain name is registrered but doesn't have any zone file(mydomain.db) in my server. I have lots of domain which doesn't have any zone files. What I would like to do is, make a redirection to a nother existing website when bind could't find it.

The *proper* way to set things up is to define each zone in your server: if they all have identical information, then you could use the same zonefile for all of them, just make sure to use "@" to represent the name of the zone itself, and relative names for everything underneath.

If you can't deal with that, it's theoretically possible, but not recommended, to set up a root/com/net/org/whatever zone with a wildcard entry. If you do this, though, you *must* make sure to list *only* the real root/com/net/org/whatever NS'es in the zone, and you *must* keep your SOA record synchronized with the real
root/com/net/org/whatever SOA at all times. Failure to do so will cause your server to pollute the Internet DNS with bogus information, and this could make a lot of people angry with you (think boiling tar and feathers).

                                                                                                                                                    - Kevin

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