reverse lookup zone format

Jim Reid jim at
Thu Aug 17 18:03:59 UTC 2000

>>>>> "Mark" == Mark Johnson <mark_johnson at> writes:

    Mark> does anyone know what format to use when you are running a
    Mark> reverse lookupzone, that is a subnetted class 'c'
    Mark> ( the parent zone is unix (bind) and our
    Mark> zone (the subnetted) is win nt 4.0 dns. what do i need to
    Mark> setup the zone files as?

    Mark> do i use

    Mark> or

    Mark> 64/ or

    Mark> or

    Mark> or


You can call the delegation whatever you like, as long as the name is
legal and it's not owned by someone else. All that matters is that the
name servers for the parent and child zones agree on the name. It
might be an idea to follow the conventions used in RFC2317, just so
you're using a documented "standard" for the names of the delegated
reverse zones. Any of the names above are OK.

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