Bind trouble

Nicolai Langfeldt janl at
Thu Aug 10 10:21:05 UTC 2000

"J.D. Bronson" <jeff at> tastet:
> I want to run named -u nobody , but when I do - I get this:
> unable to create permission denied /var/run/
> Yet when I run named as root all is well....
> I tried changing permissions on /var/run, but when the machine reboots it

/var/run is not a good directory to change permissions on.  It opens up
for all sorts of security problems, and so should probably only be writable
for root.

> sets them back to default.

In that case, put the pid file in some other directory to which nobody
can safely have write permission.  Perhaps /var/named/run ?  Se the
pid-file option in your named.conf man page.


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