Quick question about Host records

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Wed Aug 9 16:24:53 UTC 2000

>>>>> "Bill" == Bill Moseley <moseley at hank.org> writes:

    Bill> Yes, I see what you are saying.  But it seems like you are
    Bill> describing problems that result from errors in
    Bill> administration, not so much problems in the DNS system
    Bill> caused by two names assigned to the same IP.  

Exactly. Almost all the problems in the DNS are caused by errors in
administration. Many of these are obvious things like syntax errors in
zone files and config files. Others are procedural. For instance, not
updating the parent zone's delegation wheneven the child changes its
name servers. One of the tricks of DNS administration is minimising
the exposure to those pitfalls.

The DNS and name servers don't care how many names (A records) exist
for some IP address. To them, the names are all just resource records
and entries in zone files. One is as valid as another. What those
records mean is another story, but that's for the DNS adminsitrator to
figure out, not the protocol or a name server.

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