newbie question...

Kevin Darcy kcd at
Wed Aug 2 22:10:50 UTC 2000

First of all, the modern terminology is "master" and "slave", not
"primary" and "secondary".

Other than for purposes of Dynamic Update, which is probably inapplicable
here, "master" and "slave" is only meaningful between the master(s) and
slave(s) themselves; other nameservers, and clients, really don't make any
distinction between a master and a slave.

The only downside of having multiple masters is that you can't use the normal
DNS zone-transfer mechanism to replicate between them. So if you want
consistent answers you have to update the zone data in two different places,
or have some other way to do the replication automatically.

- Kevin

Erik Voelker wrote:

> quick question: what are the implications of running two primary name
> servers for one small net?
> Basically, I need to demote my primary to a secondary and promote one of my
> secondaries to primary. I was just going to run two primaries for a limited
> time until I could get all the machines moved over to using the new primary
> server...  is this the best way?
> Thanks for any help/incite...
> Erik -- evoelker at

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