bind vs djbdns

Benjamin Madsen ben.madsen at
Thu Aug 31 16:36:18 UTC 2000


I read up on the whole thread this time (I'm not sure why I didn't get the
first few messages, my email system was having issues as it was 3rd party
hosted until a few weeks ago).  I do wish to apologize.  I was getting tired
of the manner in which this debate has been taking place and wished to
express that emotion.

While I can see the emotion that there are ways that BIND lags in possible
performance and other areas of implementation, it's goal is to stick to the
standards, not to be the best and fastest implementation that exists.  This
is probably why there is such a user base on it.  I think this is the factor
people must take into account when deciding on DNS implementations at their

Thank you for your input.  The only gripe I have is the emotion with which
this whole thread has been lined, including my message(s).


-----Original Message-----
From: D. J. Bernstein [mailto:75628121832146-bind at]
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 1:25 AM
To: bind-users at
Subject: Re: bind vs djbdns

Benjamin Madsen writes:
> creating traffic on this mailing list

I didn't start this discussion. I wouldn't have said anything if there
hadn't been so much misinformation posted by certain people who, by a
strange coincidence, have strong financial interests in BIND.

> Quit trying to push your product based on the premise that it will save a
> few minutes of somebody's time.

Ease of use is more than just a time-saver. It also reduces errors. It
gives you confidence that your actions will have the desired results. I
don't want to worry about trailing dots, for example, or worry about
failure notices hidden in a log file somewhere.

Anyway, ease of use is only one of the reasons that people are switching
to djbdns. See for more reasons. The
decisive issue for many people is that the BIND company is scared to
offer a cash reward for security holes.


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