Looking for way to mark a zone no-xfer for a sub-domain .

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Thu Aug 31 07:42:11 UTC 2000

>>>>> "James" == James W Laferriere <babydr at baby-dragons.com> writes:

    James> 	Hello All , I have been searching for an answer to
    James> this .  I need to make a sub-domain private from the rest
    James> of the world but not from the real primary names server .

Implement split DNS. Have two sets of name servers for two copies of
the baby-dragon.com domain. One set is purely for internal use and the
other is for the outside world. Don't mix these zones or name servers.
The internal version of baby-dragon.com contains the delegation to
this "private" subdomain. The external one doesn't. Provided the internal
users can only find and use your internal name servers and the
external users only get to the external servers, everything will be
fine. Though the DNS administration will be more awkward because there
are more servers and zone files to maintain. Make sure you document
the configuration thoroughly.

    James> 	My primary reason for this is to keep rfc1918
    James> addresses from creeping out to the secondaries & thus other
    James> systems .

Split DNS is the answer.

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