DNS lookup error

James Raftery james-bind-users at domainregistry.ie
Tue Aug 29 16:57:32 UTC 2000

On Tue, Aug 29, 2000 at 10:35:23AM -0400, Rich Chausse wrote:
> to be running fine except once in a while, named will be unable to resolve one
> specific domain.  This has happened twice in the pass few weeks.
> My question is does anyone know what could be causing this.  Can anyone
> give any debugging ideas that I might use to resolve this problem.

Tell us the domain name. There's a few too many for us to guess it!


James Raftery (JBR54)  -  Programmer Hostmaster  -  IE TLD Hostmaster
   IE Domain Registry  -  www.domainregistry.ie  -  (+353 1) 706 2375
  "Managing 4000 customer domains with BIND has been a lot like
   herding cats." - Mike Batchelor, on dns at list.cr.yp.to.

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