Multiple DNS Servers

Dave_Walsh Dave_J_Walsh at
Thu Apr 20 20:16:59 UTC 2000

We are a satellite organization of our parent organization.  At present,

all of our Win95 PCs point to my local DNS server with a forward
to our parent organization's DNS server for name resolution.  In other
words, anything not resolved locally, will be forwarded to our corporate

head office (where our Internet access is also).  We've recently
acquired a
project with a business partner that requires only our location to have
access to the partner's DNS server so I can resolve names in their name

What's the best approach to accomodate all my needs?  I must be able to
resolve local IP names, corporate names in the corporate WAN, Internet
names (via corporate) & the names at our new business partner.  Can I
put on a second
forwarder statement on my local DNS server that will effectively say,
you can't resolve it yourself, try the corporate DNS, if you can't
it there, try the partner DNS?".

Mr. DNS says that conditional forwarding of BIND 8.2 will do it.  I'm
pretty new to DNS.  Can someone please advise.



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