Primary DNS failover

dreamwvr dreamwvr at
Tue Apr 11 20:49:26 UTC 2000

hi Joe,
> > Obviously, not being standards based, you can't mix it with a UNIX
> > primary for the same domain. 
first i would like to thank yo ufor speaking up.. 
> Over the last month, this has been mentioned numerous times by two
> people, with no explanation of what it is.  Michael, what is this
> "multimaster" capability?  What does it provide over and above the BIND
> capability of multiple equivalent name servers that are "failed over"
> to automatically when any are down?  If it distributes the database of
> a SINGLE domain over multiple servers, how does it avoid requiring
> searching ALL servers before declaring that a given name does or does
> not exist, and all the other problems that have been mentioned before?
by no means a bind guru i do find it annoying and repugnant as well how 
m$ shovels the $h!+ IMHO. as well from my understanding active directories 
is a direct rip off of ldap standard.. 
> I do have to admit that Microsoft's desire to extend a standard is
> occasionally for the purpose of giving a legitimate capability that is
> not otherwise available.  But often it is solely to lock in the user -
> I suspect they would have embraced EBCDIC if they had thought they
> could get away with it.  ;->
hee..hee..hee if they could they would simply call the big I the big M if it 
already taken.. interesting how some m$ press books claim that somehow they 
invented it..;-)) what a betty crock that is..
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Joe Yao				jsdy at - Joseph S. D. Yao
> COSPO/OSIS Computer Support					EMT-B

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