includes not working bind822p5

Matt Martini martini at
Tue Apr 11 18:56:17 UTC 2000

I just setup bind 8.2.2-P5 on a freebsd 4.0-R system.  Everything works
fine, except named silently ignores my include directives.  

I want to keep the zone directives in a separate file so that I can tailor
the options on each dns server and include the zones from a common file.

If I put the zone directives in the named.conf file all the zones are

If I use:
    include "/usr/local/named/named.conf_zones_for_sec";

none of the zones are loaded.  There is no indication of a problem no the
logs.  I even kill -USR1 (up to level 6 debugging) and found no indication
that there is a problem with the file, just no zones are loaded.

If the include file does not exist (renamed to test) I get this error:

Apr 11 14:42:56 nameserver named[16668]: /named/named.conf:34: couldn't open
include file '/usr/local/named/named.conf_zones_for_sec'

So it does open the file but it does not slurp in the contents (yes I
checked the permissions:)

   -rw-rw-r--   1 bind     bind       117223 Apr 11 13:47 named.conf_zones

Any ideas what is happening here?  Pls. email me if posible.


__________________________ _______________________

 Matthew E. Martini, PE, Inc.   (631) 543-1000
 Chief Technology Officer      matt at    (631) 864-8896 Fax

I have included the named.conf file below:

options {
        directory "/usr/local/named";
        transfers-in 10;
        transfers-per-ns 3;
        allow-transfer {

zone "." {
        type hint;
        file "db.cache";

zone "0.0.127.IN-ADDR.ARPA" {
        type master;
        file "db.127.0.0";

include "/usr/local/named/named.conf_zones_for_sec";

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