DNS Management

John Steele steele at dfw.nostrum.com
Fri Apr 7 18:20:39 UTC 2000

Actually, you can add $TTL with zone extensions.  It's a kluge, I'll admit,
but you can do it.

As for ACLs not working, I'm using them, so I'm not sure what you mean.
They're not near as flexible as I'd like, but they do work.  (I've put in
several feature requests on this, but haven't seen anything come of it.)


news Wrote: 
>In article <6194.955054839 at defiant.dfw.nostrum.com>, John Steele wrote:
>>From what I've been told from Quadritek, you can use bind 8.2.2 w/ QIP
>>w/o a problem, and they have several customers that have elected to do so.
>I've done this before but they don't have an option to set the default
>TTL so what happens is that there is no seperate value for min ttl
>and negative TTL.
>Best way to do DNS management IMO in a short period of time is:
>	- edit named.conf by hand (get all your logging, access
>	lists declared) 
>	- at the end of the named.conf include a file that has
>	all your zones in it
>Generate the second file via script, sql data or whatever.  QIP
>has some promise but too many broken features (setting certain
>access list options does nothing on the actual named.conf files)
>and their support for the latest veresions of bind is always
>slower than it should be.  Given it's sql structure it should
>be very trivial to add support for $TTL by now.  

    ______John F. Steele___________________________________________
   (___________________________________steele at dfw.nostrum.com______)

Remember, SCSI is not black magic. There are fundamental technical
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to get a SCSI device working properly.

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