AXFR refused?

Michael Quan michael at
Thu Apr 6 22:41:34 UTC 2000

	I've done some preliminary research regarding dns and looked through
the archives and dont think there is anything there that fits my
problem.  I am also having a tough time finding dns record file

	I'm using bind 8.2.2 p3 and wish to do my own dns.  so my domain
record points to my name server and it works fine.  So
of course I now need reverse lookups done so I have my provider as my 
secondary since reverse is handled by them because they own the
whole network block and they only gave me a subnet of it.
	It looks like my provider is transfering my name-ip records but
is refusing my ip-name reverse records.  It comes back saying AXFR
to refused.
	Strange thing is within my own network, my dns is working perfectly
both name and reverse.  But outside to the world only name is working and
reverse comes back with host not found.

	I've talked to my provider and they insist the problem is with
my master server configuration but I am at a loss to what that may be.  I
would figure it if works inside my domain, it should work outside.

        Doing a nslookup and within that "ls" comes fine.
Outside the network using nslookup host I get back "*** can't find host: Non-existent host/domain"

	Any suggestions?


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