odd ndc problem

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Thu Apr 6 18:15:05 UTC 2000

>>>>> "Jeff" == Jeff Weber <jweber at thirtyone.com> writes:

    Jeff> I am having an odd problem with ndc. On my OpenBSD machine
    Jeff> when a non-root user runs ndc reload they will see the
    Jeff> normal (i think anyway) message about not being able to
    Jeff> connect to the ndc channel. I have 2 solaris 2.6 machine
    Jeff> however that when the command is run report that bind has
    Jeff> been reloaded.  I also seem to be having some off and on odd
    Jeff> problems with that server as well.  Has anyone else ever run
    Jeff> into this or have any ideas what might cause it?

It's the access permissions on the control socket used by ndc to talk
to the name server. Most BSD Unix systems honour the filesystem's
access permission checks on the pathname for that socket. Solaris
doesn't. This is explained at the top of the README in the 8.2.2P5
source tree.

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